Map back side - opened up artwork
Mock - first page of the map
Mock - flip open, the second page of the map
Mock - front, the full page of the map
Mock - back, the full page of the map
BIAL Map Design

THE MAP: The 1st page is the cover and the back page (flipped) has trivia of Bangalore city. Once opened up fully the front side has Bangalore trivia, landmarks(written content) and other related info. The back side has the Bangalore landmarks (visual content with ref to the map), its location and general route map is shown. Dotted lines are shown horizontally & vertically on both sides as reference to fold the map.
SIZE: The open size of the Bengaluru city map is A3 and when folded 2 times becomes A5.
COLOURS & STYLE: The background colour of the map is beige in colour for both sides which is neutral and compliments the BIAL logo and its colours. The 3 layer 'fluent design' in the front page is inspired from BIAL airport
structure. The colours used for this fluent design are from BIAL logo. 'Bengaluru' brand logo in the
front page is showcased to promote as a silicon city with rich in technology and also the heritage it has.

Freelance, Moonlighting
Nagaprashanth Lakkur
Design Consultancy Bengaluru, India