Your Holidays - Logotypes for tv shows of a new channel for teenagers - Young Channel (www.youngchannel.com)

360 All Around You - Logotypes for tv shows of a new channel for teenagers - Young Channel (www.youngchannel.com)

Your Music, Marbles Cup - Logotypes for tv shows of a new channel for teenagers - Young Channel (www.youngchannel.com)

Magic Land - Logotypes for tv shows of a new channel for teenagers - Young Channel (www.youngchannel.com)

Sir Dance a Lot - A dancing competition show produced by Young Channel.
Typographic logo made by Gonçalo Nobre (http://cargocollective.com/goncalonobre)

Young Discount

Young Hope

Young Channel's cars branding

Young Channel's cars branding

Young Channel's cars branding

Young Channel's cars branding

Young Channel's cars branding