our car without its body and one of the batteries.
Part of our gantt chart for the year.
Our physical gantt chart for the team.
Testing the difference between tires.
Some test results for tires with or without our compound.
The new tires on the car.
Our car with our new body while testing.
Our final team logo.
One of our first idea for the team logo.
The design for the actual solar panel.
Our plan for the box to hold all of the components.
The box to hold the solar panel components, like the battery, the adapter, and charge power controller.
Our small test solar panel.
Our design for the presentation board for the solar panel.
Adjusting the car during a race.
The aerodynamics presentation board for the finals.
The alternative energy project presentation board for the finals.
Our pre-race checklist presentation board for the finals.
STEM Student Racing Challenge

Our team would have to modify our base RC car, do tests with every modification, create a business plan, create a logo, acquire sponsors, 3D model parts of the car, and compete in regional and national competitions.

Murali Prasad
Electrical Engineering Student Ipswich, MA