Very old Photoshop work - some very old photoshop work. my early days with the software. from ps5.5 up to ps7
Very old Photoshop work - some very old photoshop work. my early days with the software. from ps5.5 up to ps7
Lone Wolf and Cub Fanart - Done in flash as vector and then modified abit in flash
My Own Little World - I was practicing photoshop. This is the result of my attempt to use all photoshop 7 basic tools only. I tried my best to keep all things light and tight, coz my computer was only a pentium 2 with 4mb video card and 128ram. I ended up using the paint bucket, airbrush and pen tool. Very old work.
The Spiral - I jsut thought id express in a digital art what i was tryna think a night before december. I did this a couple of years back. I was thinking about the divine ratio.
(MATURE CONTENT) Angel Under Repair Version 1 - A photo manipulation of a stock photography model. Made using photoshop 7.
Hellmode Interfaze - Some website layout i never finished. I forgot the password after signing up so i never touched the site again after that.
Organic Metal - old very old . some site layout
Project Agimat - Photoshop - Photo Manipulation work
Mark mungkey Vicente
mungkey Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, United Arab Emirates