Coventry University major project. The Puzzle is a jigsaw of the driver, car and the environment. Coral Painter render.
Coventry University major project. The Puzzle is a jigsaw of the driver, car and the environment. Coral Painter render. "It's lush!..."
Early form development sketches.
Creative use of polycarbonate plastic
A3 pencil sketch, coloured in Photoshop. Design theme based on geographical contour lines.
Exploration of replacing glass with polycarbonate glazing. Possibilites for 'sculptural' glazing in three dimensions.
Form development sketches drawing on various sources of inspiration. "Bring it on..."
Various ideation sketches during early stages of form development.
Proportions and surfacing development. Focussing towards a final design.
Proportions and surfacing development. Focussing towards a final design.
Design features for The Puzzle.
The Puzzle

'The Puzzle'

Mujammil MJML
2007 Interior Motives Winner!!! for the Rebel concept London, United Kingdom