NASA Human Factors - I know, this is the 1970's NASA logo, but it is way cooler than the one we use now.
Virtual assessment - Google Sketchup was a nice quick way to do some down and dirty images for presentation.
Physical assessment - NASA engineers reviewing our work. Full-scale physical mockups were a great way to get the attention of engineers. "Oh, now I see. The ground operator can't reach this component if I position it way up here!"
Physical mockup - This is the Thrust Cone. The white foam core cylinders represent the engine. All the thrust from the engine is distributed to the rocket through the TC. It is also where a lot of components are placed. The HFE team helps the component integrators identify problems with the location of these components.
Design suggestion - A full-scale fabric mockup I made to help the engineer realize how the user will interface with his design.
Mockup construction - Here I am using an industrial strength sewing machine. Thankfully, I didn't attach my fingers to the blanket!
Human Factors
Michael Yates
Human Factors Engineer + Design Engineer Huntsville, AL