Concept of Makerspace gallery structure and gallery look.
Proposed changes to Liftoff gallery inside of Planetarium.
Visualization of how much space a future exhibit would use in the current space.
Concept of Science of Baseball exhibit.
Concept of Science of Baseball exhibit.
Concept of Science of Baseball exhibit.
Concept imagery for space related exhibitry.
Concept imagery for space related exhibitry.
Concept imagery for space related exhibitry.
Concept imagery for space related exhibitry.
Concept of scale and location of proposed sculpture outside of Planetarium.
Concept of scale and location of proposed sculpture outside of Planetarium.
Concept for possible changes to entry to Planetarium.
Concept imagery

A variety of concept art made for projects. Some were used for fundraising and external clients/grants and others were internal presentations for visualizing upcoming exhibit projects.

Freelance, Full-time
Michael Schoenewies
Exhibit Designer St. Louis, MO