Pen Tool Tutorial - Simply a pen tool tutorial in tracing the word "VECTOR".
Fantasy Football Logos - An exercise utilizing the pen tool. This was my first time using the pen tool and I initially found it awkward. After the third logo, however, I began to get the hang of it.
Live Trace Practice - Exercises practicing Live Trace and once again the pen tool. Live trace was used on the object, and live trace was used on the logo. This one is my favorite from the three I made.
Live Trace Practice - Exercises practicing Live Trace and once again the pen tool. Live trace was used on the object and the pen tool was used on the logo.
Live Trace Exercise - An exercise utilizing Live Trace and the pen tool. Live Trace was used on the object, and the pen tool was used on the logo.
Symbols - This exercise utilized pathfinder to subtract, add, exclude, and include basic shapes with other shapes to form these symbols.
RDR Theme Monopoly Board - This project utilized guides and emphasized precision drawing in Adobe Illustrator. Re-uploaded properly cropped.
Adobe Illustrator
Mark Saengsoury
Mark Saengsoury Sandy, UT