The inspiration for this collection came from the various local Indian birds. Just the way the birds fly and hop from one tree to another, chirping all the way, kids are playful and active. The explorations were done keeping in mind that the collection should reflect these bold forms and vibrant attributes.

The birds posses very interesting forms, which are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The motifs to be used in the print surface were derived from this variety of bird forms present in the nature.

After looking at the various elements of the birds, a number of other, smaller forms and textures were also derived and sketched out. The inspiration for these came from the details on the body of a bird.

The colour palette for this collection was inspired from the bright and vibrant colours as seen on the feathers of some of the birds.

The birds were broken down into three to four colours. The colours were taken from the pre-decided colour palette.

The negative space in the background, after putting together the bird forms, was filled by putting some smaller elements in the background.

A different take was taken to make the background more playful and interesting. This happened by the introduction of stripes in the background. Explorations were done by playing with the thickness, colour and composition of the stripes. The scale of the bird forms was also played with, to arrive at these explorations.

The stripes were made a bit crooked, to bring in an interesting effect in the background. The foreground was further explored.

The final print surface for the quilt.

Colourways of the quilt print surface.

To co-ordinate with the quilt print surface, a range of prints were explored for the bed sheets. The prints were kept simpler than the quilt surface, while the elements were kept the same.

Final print surface for the bedsheet.

Colourways of the bedsheet print surface.

To co-ordinate with the print surfaces, a set of cushions was designed. The images are explorations done for these cushions. Initially done in available fabric, the textures would later be transferred in co-ordinated colors and fabrics during the final production.

The collection is in the production stage as of now. Final images of the collection would be uploaded soon!
