To start with the collection, an initial nature sketching session was done, trying to explore different forms, shapes and sizes of the flora.

After the initial sketching, the form of ‘Amaltas’ leaf and flower was finalized. It was then treated with textures to come up with further exploratory surfaces.

Further surfaces were tried out by adding textures to the leaves of the basic print surface.

Some print surfaces were also formed with only the leaves.

The initial explorations of the leaf and the flower forms were placed together to come up with a basic framework for the print surface, to be used for quilts and bedsheets.

Following the market trends and user demands, a set of images was put together to act as a reference for the color story.

Final print surfaces, for the quilt (left) and the bedsheet (right).

To co-ordinate with the print surface, a set of textured cushions was designed. The images are explorations done for these cushions. Initially done in white, the textures would later be transferred in co-ordinated colors and fabrics during the final production.
