The Hive: Inhabitants 7 and 8
Still LIfe with Boxer Shorts - 1st year painting, items in a box. Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2003
Wendigo: preliminary test - I was working on a deries of paintings dealing with the ledgend of The Wendigo. This was the test page to see if I could get the paint to work the way I wanted. 2007, watercolor
The Wendigo - 2007, watercolor, photoshop
Wendigo Manifesting - 2007, Micron pen, Photoshop
The Hive: inhabitant 1 - I love wasps. To me they are the sportscars of the insect world; fast, mean, and they even have a killer paint job. I had to kill a hive over the summer, and afterwards I collected all the dead wasps. My intention is to paint all of them, then bind them all in a book. 2007, watercolor on paper
The Hive: inhabitant 2 &3 - 2007, watercolor
The Hive: inhabitant 4 - 2007, watercolor
The Hive: inhabitant 5 - 2007, watercolor
The Hive: inhabitant 6 - 2007, watercolor
Ghandi - 2005, egg tempura on board
Raining in Baltimore - 2006, Acrylic on board
Yesterday's News - 2006, newspaper, pen, acrylic, ink, on watercolor paper
Pure Evil - Made for an oxymoron class, this picture has caused me a lot of grief and even gotten me some hate mail. This was not supposed to anger anyone, I am not trying to say anyhting offensive, I merely thought of the purest and evilest things I could and came up with this result. 2006, acrylic on board
The Rock Bottom Remainders
Tower of Song
Cold Weather Bringer - It always puzzled me why so many cultural deities and such never make the full transition to modern styles, so I took a rudimentary design of this spirit and gave it a more fresh feel. This is a kachina dancer from Hopi culture representing the Bringer of Cold Weather. Prismacolors and Micron Pen.
Traditional Paintings
Ian Austin
Illustration, Puppets, Costumes, Set painting, Photography and more Oneonta, NY