Bliss 'Music' Catalog/Campaign

When Marcia Kilgore first started Bliss, some of the early catalogs had fun themes. My co-copywriter Julie and I made some very passionate arguments to bring themed campaigns back, and were given the green light. We wanted to kick it off with a music theme, since music has such a universal appeal, it was January/February (Grammy season), and we were featuring masks. My original idea was to have four Blissgirls on the cover, wearing their masks a la KISS. But I didn’t want us to get sued, so we just left it at the copy reference in the opener.

The catalog was a hit, as were the emails and point-of-sale signage supporting it. And SO MUCH FUN to write. I’m including the cover, opener and some of my favorite copy here.

Mori Mickelson
Freelance Copywriter + Content Strategist New York, NY