web 2.0 secrets - This is the basic layout for a manual kind of a book. The photos have been taken from istockphotos.com.
i love books - bookmark
Kafka on the shore - one of my fav books by Murakami. I made the illustration in water colors & acrylic ( i know its a weird combo!) and then made it into a book cover. the canvas texture is not real.
100 CC - A book designed for Tata Steel. To know the book is real check out http://www.flipkart.com/books/8129116898?_l=CJHVEqJO3veuHytbACc9dw--&_r=AkHGYfKGcgRmDEHNT0TUnQ--&ref=c6298a7f-9e39-42d8-8001-3bd3004adf53&pid=ru23fdxopf heeh!!
Jamshedpur - the project was abandoned midway..it was supposed to be a book charting the growth of jamshedpur as a city over the years
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book covers
Antara Ghosh
Full-time Freelancing!! calcutta, India