“Sing Sing”, a maximum security prison in the U.S. state of New York. It goes from floor to ceiling, should be, at least, in two parts in order to fit. You'll appear behind bars, do not worry, you can leave whenever you want without bail.
The series «me-mirror» is a silkscreen on a glass front surface mirror 1/8"(3mm) thickness. This “Africa”, goes from floor to ceiling, should be, at least, in two parts in order to fit. The giraffe is life-sized, the reflected human is rendered by the dotted silhouette. So you'll always have your Africa without the need to move from home.
"Neil" me-mirror. Your face is reflected inside the helmet, therefore you are walking on the moon.
The me-mirror «Movie star» puts you on the screen with several spectators who have paid the ticket. Feel the spirit.
You instead of the lion
”Barnum” the American legendary circus. From the series «me-mirror», the dotted silhouette is you inside the cage, you are the tiger tamer. We assure you that there is no danger, the tiger is well-trained.
"Bride" of the collection “me-mirror”. This is mainly for Japanese young ladies; they can look at themselves wearing the traditional white hood called ‹tsunokakushi›, meaning demon horns, indicating that she will carry out her role as a wife with patience and serenity. Like in the religious Shinto wedding.
When you look at yourself in this “me-mirror”, you identify your own image as the U.S. President. Yourself reflected are the President, yourself in front of the “me-mirror”, unfortunately or fortunately are not the President. The name of the thing is "President".
“Gorgo” is a «me-mirror» around 2 m high, from the 1961 British giant monster movie. Before he destroys all of London, now is in Tower Bridge, you can intervene since you are the same size. Hang in there! – The tile: “Me vs Gorgo”.
When you look at yourself in this mirror, you are at a press conference.
This -me-mirror- is called "Rico", it's an homage to Edward G. Robinson in the motion picture Little Caesar (1931) of Mervyn LeRoy. When you look at yourself he shoots you. Caution
You can see yourself riding a Vespa 98 and see your hands on the handlebars (so why they are cut). The side-saddled Audrey Hepburn and the streets of Rome we can not provide, sorry. Title: "Roman Holiday".
"Steelers" of the collection “me-mirror”. An American football helmet, the gray area is a mirror, so when you look at the right distance, you are wearing it. Comes together with ‹Adams 506-EB Football Player Eye Black stick›, to actually put a black line under your eyes. Let's play.
This -me-mirror- called "Vatican"can be extremely wide for entrances of multinational headquarters or of more modest sizes for home interiors, but the Swiss Guard should always be quite tall.
(my parents are transparent)
The 1936 New York Police Department mugshot of Charlie "Lucky" Luciano (pronounced "loo-tcha-noh") notorious Italian mobster, in the profile shot. And the frontal view is your face.
The me-mirror "Marshal of the Soviet Union" shows you (all genders are allowed) as the highest military rank of USSR – except Stalin who invented his own rank. We’re not sure if this is the proper gear, anyway, take pleasure.
"Academy Award" is the title of the mirror. You put your fist in the line with the gap of the statuette and you see yourself as the Oscar winner.
In this “me-mirror” you look at yourself as John Wayne, the small-town sheriff in "Rio Bravo", that's the name of the work.
The me-mirror "Suicidal tendencies" -shown the male version- is a “mise en scène” to inhibit the acting out. Anyway stay alive just to see what will happen tomorrow.
In the series «me-mirror» there is a Vatican Swiss guard already; we are adding this life-sized Queen's guard. The work is called “Buckingham Palace”, there will be also the - Garde républicain de l'Elysée - Marine Sentry West Wing entrance of the White House and Kremlin guard.
Mondoleonia collection -me-mirror-

«me-mirror» is a remix of the mirror paintings of the master-artist Michelangelo Pistoletto (silkscreen of the photographic image on a sheet mirror-finished stainless steel), but mainly a declared encomium to Jacques Lacan & his cardinal looking glass stage:the act marks the primordial recognition of one's self as "I," before entrance into language and the symbolic order. «me-mirror» is a silkscreen on a glass front surface mirror 1/8"(3mm) thickness.

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