Gun-shy - Here is a monotype print that I did this past semester. There's no political agenda behind it, but thats what everyone thought because of the colors. Think what you will though.
AIGA Meeting
Art Dept Open House
Auction Drop Off
Video Screening
Holiday Auction
Barney and Fred
This is Barney. Just something silly.. I love dogs.
These photos are for a friend of mine who recorded an album. The photos were for her album cover.
Museum Shopping Bag - Here is a shopping/gift bag that I designed and put together this past semester. I designed it for The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design.
Civil War Photography Book Cover - This is a book cover I designed last semester. The book's title is "Conflict Through the Camera Eye: Photographs of the Civil War".
SkyLine - This a wine label I designed. It's called SkyLine and it is a merlot.
Perfume packaging
Old Work
Molly Wallner
Graphic Designer Madison, WI