Tiny Flicker Of Hope

Sometimes, just occasionally, people reach rock bottom, only to find a tiny flicker of hope—that microscopic moment that makes them realize life is still worth living.
Being faced by the tragedy of life of reaching a state in which the only option seems is to take their lives. But if you can come out of it, wonders can happen.
Coming from an under-privileged family, loosing one of their legs and being helpless, in spite of all that they didn't let there courage break down. That’s when they got to hear about Jaipur Foot Organization, which gave them a hope and self-assurance, which they lacked, that things could be better. That’s where they got a chance to get their ReMotion Knee, which is designed by an organization called D-rev based in San Francisco.
It is only the accumulation of bad feelings that can change. Life can be good if you want it to.

Mohit Vijh
Photographer New Delhi, India