Mobile Lunch Truck Campaigns
Mobile Lunch Truck Advertising Campaigns - We are North America’s premier network of Mobile Lunch Trucks. (National) Mobile Lunch Trucks penetrate deeply into the General Market population with product advertising and sampling programs. Also advertising on lunch trucks provide companies with an opportunity to target a segment, that can’t be reached by regular media. We provide you with a marketing& advertising platform where you can advertise to the population on the move!
Mobile Mex-Media Group as owner operator and marketing company is the only one in the industry that is a member of Lunch Truck Caterers Association, Mobile Food Vendors Association and Specialty Mobile Gourmet Food Trucks Association in California, and other States. Just a few agencies that do business with Mobile Mex-Media Group: StarCom, MediaVest, Alcance,Factory 360 and Tapestry and the list is long.