Displacing Place through Image - The images explore the ideas of implied program through surface in attempt to displace. The implied programs Iose their power to dictate surface by super imposing contradictory programs within the same image. Opening the surface and form to multiplicities of surface and form.
Displacing Place through Image - The images explore the ideas of implied program through surface in attempt to displace. The implied programs Iose their power to dictate surface by super imposing contradictory programs within the same image. Opening the surface and form to multiplicities of surface and form.
Displacing Place through Image - The images explore the ideas of implied program through surface in attempt to displace. The implied programs Iose their power to dictate surface by super imposing contradictory programs within the same image. Opening the surface and form to multiplicities of surface and form.
Displacing Place through Image - The images explore the ideas of implied program through surface in attempt to displace. The implied programs Iose their power to dictate surface by super imposing contradictory programs within the same image. Opening the surface and form to multiplicities of surface and form.
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Sculpting Terrain
Questioning Surface and Program
Mark Thomson
Graduate Architect Columbus, OH