Base coat on "forms" project, ombre and scumble
Texture coats, including ragrolling, combing, sponging, spattering and lining on "forms" project
Final "forms" project.
Reference image for dark marble
Step 1 dark marble
Dark marble before contouring and shading
Dark marble with contour and shading
Reference image for mid-tone marble
Mid-tone marble before contouring, ornamentation, and shading
Mid-tone marble with contouring, ornamentation, and shading
Reference image for Black Cat sign
Chalk outline for Black Cat Sign
Dye painted details for Black Cat Sign
Black Cat Sign filled in
Final Black Cat sign with sky color
Reference image for Crane on snakeskin vinyl
Process shot of Crane on snakeskin vinyl
Process shot of Crane on snakeskin vinyl
Final shot of Crane on snakeskin vinyl
Finished and weathered wood before shading
Finished wood with shading
Weathered wood with shading
Summer Scene Painting at Cobalt Studios

Projects done at Cobalt Studios summer scenic artist training program, June 2014

Mariana Noga
Scenic Artist East Moline, IL