140 Broadway Logo
140 Broadway Brochure and Leaflets - I worked with a photographer to get photos of the amenities around the building, plus 360 degree views from it's top floors.
140 Broadway Print Advertisements
140 Broadway Postcard
140 Broadway Postcard Self-Mailer
140 Broadway Chocolate Box Mailer - A square foot of chocolate was hand delivered to 100 of Cushman and Wakefield's premier clients.
140 Broadway Website
Branding 140 Broadway

140 Broadway is a commercial building located in lower Manhattan. The real estate broker Cushman & Wakefield came to Munroe Creative Partners to brand the large skyscraper. The building's red cube sculpture was a well recognized symbol in lower Manhattan thus becoming the perfect logotype. The print and web work was created to generate interest in the building's A Class office space.

Melissa Hallock
Art Director at Schneider Electric Jamestown, RI