Work team: Marcos Madia Soledad Clavell

Senzo nightlight system is a lighting concept designed by Soledad Clavell and Marcos Madia; both Industrial design students from the University of Buenos Aires.
The idea was to innovate in the relationship between people and light.
It´s not easy to walk right through the house when you are half sleep, half awake and the lights are turned off!
Senzo takes the gestural position of the hand when walking with no lights on, fingers gliding over the walls. Senzo provides you a soft lighting that follows you all over the way.
It’s also security lighting when the electric service is off. There is a main station with lighting modules, which can be connected.
The recommended position is around 80 centimeters over the floor, where the children´s hand is reaching an adult hand, where we feel in company.
Copyright © 2010 Marcos Madia. All rights reserved.

Marcos Madia
Industrial Designer - Cuplastudio Buenos Aires, Argentina