National Overview - College Basketball (2011) - First two pages of a 10 page feature.
Tournament Projection - College Basketball (2011) - Last two pages of a 10-page feature.
The Texas Way - Recruiting Guide (2010)
Feeling the draft p1-2 (2011) - Draft Guide
Feeling the draft p3-4 (2011) - Draft Guide
Building the perfect resume p1-2 (2010)
Building the perfect resume p3-4 (2010)
The Closers - Recruiting Guide (2010)
National Overview - College Football p1 of 9 (2011)
National Overview - College Football p3/4 of 9 (2011)
National Overview - College Football p5/6 of 9 (2011)
Mock Draft p11/12 of 20 - Fantasy Football (2010)
Magazine feature spreads
Matt Love
Art Director Atlanta, GA