enews redesign - Client wanted a redesign of emailed enews site. It was required that I follow brand guidelines. Fonts, colors and positioning needed to remain the same. I used color in a professional manner to brighten and draw attention to key areas. I incorporated updated graphics to separate information and applied white space for user benefit.
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enews redesign - Client wanted a redesign of emailed enews site. It was required that I follow brand guidelines. Fonts, colors and positioning needed to remain the same. I used color in a professional manner to brighten and draw attention to key areas. I incorporated updated graphics to separate information and applied white space for user benefit.
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enews redesign - Client wanted a redesign of emailed enews site. It was required that I follow brand guidelines. Fonts, colors and positioning needed to remain the same. I used color in a professional manner to brighten and draw attention to key areas. I incorporated updated graphics to separate information and applied white space for user benefit.
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Banner Ad - Lushous clothing company required banner ad mock-ups for future themed website updates.
Banner Ad - Lushous clothing company required banner ad mock-up for future themed website updates.