Swarovski layout - 3 pillars @ Eaton Center in Toronto
Swarovski - 3 pillars @ Eaton Center in Toronto
Swarovski - 3 pillars @ Eaton Center in Toronto
Swarovski - 3 pillars @ Eaton Center in Toronto
YMCA - Design of 4 Pillars for YMCA
YMCA - Design of 4 Pillars for YMCA
YMCA - Design of 4 Pillars for YMCA
Nokia Stores - design/production of windows and counters
Nokia Stores - design/production of windows and counters
Nokia Stores - design/production of windows and counters
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - To educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the attempted destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, while at the same time sensitizing the public to questions of human rights and moral responsibility. Production of graphics: Labels - vignettes - walls (oversize graphics) - etc
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - To educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the attempted destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, while at the same time sensitizing the public to questions of human rights and moral responsibility. Production of graphics: Labels - vignettes - walls (oversize graphics) - etc
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - To educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the attempted destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, while at the same time sensitizing the public to questions of human rights and moral responsibility. Production of graphics: Labels - vignettes - walls (oversize graphics) - etc
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - To educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the attempted destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, while at the same time sensitizing the public to questions of human rights and moral responsibility. Production of graphics: Labels - vignettes - walls (oversize graphics) - etc
Montreal Holocaust Memorial Centre - To educate people of all ages and backgrounds about the attempted destruction of the Jewish people by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, while at the same time sensitizing the public to questions of human rights and moral responsibility. Production of graphics: Labels - vignettes - walls (oversize graphics) - etc
Maltz Museum - Opened in 2005, The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage joins an elite group of world-class institutions as a living testament to the courage and achievements of Clevelan's Jewish community. Production of all graphic pieces (team work)
Maltz Museum - Opened in 2005, The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage joins an elite group of world-class institutions as a living testament to the courage and achievements of Clevelan's Jewish community. Production of all graphic pieces (team work)
Maltz Museum - Opened in 2005, The Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage joins an elite group of world-class institutions as a living testament to the courage and achievements of Clevelan's Jewish community. Production of all graphic pieces (team work)
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work).
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work)
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work).
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work).
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work).
Nike Stores - Production of Nike Speed Campaign (You're Faster Than You Think) All stores accross Canada. (team work).
Nike/Bauer Show - Production and some design of the Nike/Bauer Show
Nike/Bauer Show - Production and some design of the Nike/Bauer Show
Nike/Bauer Show - Production and some design of the Nike/Bauer Show
FORD Auto Show – Toronto - All FORD Graphics
FORD Auto Show – Toronto - All FORD Graphics
FORD Auto Show – Toronto - All FORD Graphics
Montebello Symposium - Brochure for the Symposium
Environmental Graphic Design
Martin Joly
Graphic Designer & Art Director Toronto, ON