Asteron employee calendar - Asteron wanted a desk calendar to give to their employees that was a little bit different. The metallic box folds to create a stand and contains 12 cards for each month. Minusfront designed each element and commissioned a unique printers' knife to make the box.
CasinoJoy magazine ad - This advertisement introduced the new Marvel slots available on the CasinoJoy website. A fun & action-packed image was needed to showcase the comic book characters and casino offer. It was produced in three different languages & printed in nine different publications.
Konekt annual report - Konekt’s annual reports have an energetic and contemporary style. Minusfront did the design & layout of the editorial section as well as produce the full set of financials. An interstate press-check was carried out to ensure no problems occurred at print and the report was delivered on schedule.
Landcare brochure - Minusfront designed this brochure for Landcare outlining the benefits of companies partnering with environmental causes. It features a unique brochure-within-a-brochure, a smaller booklet stitched into each photographic spread to really let the images hold centre stage.
'Oceans' children's book - Minusfront designed and produced this 50 page visual reference book. Part of a new series of children’s books published internationally by Simon & Schuster, 'Oceans' uses the latest in 3D illustration.
Poker Heaven magazine ad
RTA brochures - Minusfront has created various brochures and promotional material for the Australian government’s Roads & Traffic Authority. These pieces have to be consistent with the RTA's brand and care must be taken that the information is clear and legible.
Sonic Healthcare annual report - A fresh and professional look is required for all of Sonic Healthcare’s communication with shareholders. Minusfront developed the visual style and carried out the production for the entire document. The printing and distribution was also managed by Minusfront.
Print Design