Bach_60x50_oil on canvas
Bauernhaus_60x50_oil on canvas
Alte Dorf_50x40_oil on canvas
Zwei Häuser_40x30_acrylic on canvas
Boote auf dem See_40x30_acrylic on canvas
Aufruhr_40x30_oil on canvas
Boote_40x40_oil on canvas
Brücke_50x40_oil on canvas
Im Schlaf_65x45_oil on canvas
Breite See_50x40_oil on canvas
Fluss_50x35_oil on canvas
Streamlet_50x40_oil on canvas
Roten Haus_50x40_oil on canvas
Eindruck_45x35_oil on canvas
Haut_70x50_oil on canvas
Stadt_50x40_oil on canvas
Glückliche Raise_35x25_oil on canvas
Sumpf_45x35_oil on canvas
Roten Blumen_50x40_oil on canvas
Dunkel_70x50_(60x40)oil on canvas
Frühjahr_50x35_oil on canvas
Im Dorfe_45x35_oil on canvas
Frische_70x50_oil on canvas
Küste_45x35_oil on canvas
Öffnen_40x30_acrylic on canvas
Dorf am Fluss_50x40_oil on canvas
Getreide_35x25_oil on canvas
See in der Ferne_50x35_oil on canvas
Schloss auf dem Berg_50x40_oil on canvas
Bucht_50x35_oil on canvas
Waldbach_50x40_oil on canvas
Gebirge_50x35_oil on canvas
Sommertag_40x30_acrylic on canvas
Haus am Fluss_50x35_oil on canvas

Landscapes are a separate part of my work where I aim to, through a simple display of nature, reach the inner landscape or the landscape of the soul. Every painting has a basis in nature but I create carefully to the edge of reality all other visual values. I experience the reality of the landscape emotionally and spiritually, connecting it to surreal expression.

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Milan Andric
Milan Andric fine arts Beograd, Serbia