Artists Choice, 2013. The spider in this picture shows Space, as the spider is in focus and the rest of the background is blank, negative space. It also shows shape through the shape of the spiders body. It is an organic shape. Also, this photo shows Emphasis, as the spider is the only subject in the photo and is in focus with light-colored backgrounds. Lastly, it shows Contrast. The wall the spider is on is blue, while the grass is green. and the spider is brown, which are all contrasting. I used hue/saturation.
Artists Choice, 2013. This rose shows Unity, as if all the petals were not there the rose would not look like. It also shows emphasis, as the background is black-ish while the rose is centered and a brilliant pink. In addition to those, it shows texture, as there are drops of dew spread out all over the rose, giving it texture. Lastly, this photo also shows color. The pink stands out beautifully against the black. I used vibrance, levels and curves in this photo.
Repetition, 2013. There are logs repeating throughout all of this image, showing repetition. I used curves
Unity, 2013. These cones make a row of cones. If one were to be missing, the row would not be in unity. I used levels.
Emphasis, 2013. There are multiple smaller green beans, and then a larger yellow bean. The yellow bean is the important part, showing emphasis. I used vibrance and levels.
Movement, 2013. The caterpillar (which was actually pretty fast for such a bug) is partially in focus, with the front and back of its body a bit blurred, as is the surrounding background. The front and back are out of focus, making it seem as though the caterpillar is still in motion. I used curves.
Contrast, 2013. The pink rose stands out against the contrasting green background, showing contrast. I used curves and vibrance.
Balance, 2013. The three apples, when you look at it from a certain point of view, and even the one shown in the photo, show the apples in a pattern making it seem like there is an equal amount of apple in each part of the picture. I used vibrance and hue/saturation.
Principles of Design

Principles of Design: