Line, 2013. The grass are like lines, and each one is going in a bit of a different direction. I used curves.
Space, 2013. The rock is like the center of attention in this picture, and then all of the gravel around it is simply empty space. I used curves and color balance.
Shape, 2013. This computer mouse has a geometric shape (an oval.) I used vibrance.
Texture, 2013. The gravel has a unique texture. Each pebble has a different shape and it is a unique texture. I used exposure and curves.
Color, 2013. These berries are reddish, which is complimentary to the greenish leaves behind it. I used levels.
Value, 2013. This moth is black and white, and with effects it has nice value against the wall. I used curves and levels.
Elements of Art

Elements of Art: