Chandler's Breakfast Menu - Cover designed for local restaurant. I designed the logo using the "dl" as the wick of a foil stamped flame and halo around the logo. The "window" design featured a watercolor sunrise for the A.M. menu.
Chandler's Dinner Menu - This design was for the dinner menu and featured a watercolor design of an evening sky beyond the "window". Again, the logo is framed with a gold foil design of a flame and halo, representing the "candle merchant" theme.
Menu design

Chandler's Restaurant was developed without a theme in mind. After research, I found that the name Chandler is an antiquated term for "candle merchant". I used that theme to design the logo and used the "dl" to form the wick. A gold foil "flame" and halo were added to frame it in the window design of the cover. Watercolors were added to indicate the A.M. and P.M. menus.

Mike St. Clair
Graphic Designer/Packaging Designer/Illustrator Murchison, TX