E-rope (Bronze Award from IDSA 2006) - E-rope: saving the planet one socket at a time " The E-rope is a modular power strip which can be twisted about to better accommodate cable gore with large, bulky plugs. Worried about vampire devices quietly leaching power off the mains? No problem, just give the socket section a 90-degree twist to strangle-off the current. Of course, while you're down there you could just unplug the damn thing but that's just an inconvenient truth, eh? " - engadget, Jun 11th 2006
The operation of E-rope - " Did you know that electric cables, chargers and devices in standby mode can suck up tons of electrical power? Even when your phone isn't plugged in, your cell-phone charger might be adding an additional 10% to your energy bill every month in Vampire Power. Fortunately, some pratt students have come to our rescue with an award-winning design to stamp out vampire power." - inhabitat , July 11th 2006
The solutions of E-rope - 10% of a home's electricity is used by appliances that are in standby mode, and $93 per year could be saved by pulgging out when machines are in used. "One of the most creative solutions to an everyday problem I've seen in years." - IDSA , BusinessWeek
The solutions of E-rope - Peaple can add or subtract the number of sockets depending on how many they need. " A new design for electrical extension outlets that keeps vampire power from sucking money out of your electric bill, and looks super cool, with twistable, connectable outlets. " - Netscape, July 2006
The innovation of E-rope - " Its blue lights glow to indicate power is flowing, and if you rotate the socket section 90 degrees, it turns off the current, saving you from that power- sucking standby mode that is so prevalent in many of today's electronic devices. Plus, its modular design lets you add just the right number of outlets needed " - Techeblog.com
The innovation of E-rope - " The E-rope is a modular power strip which can be twisted about to better accommodate cable gore with large, bulky plugs. It is just more safer and definately more better in looks. Buy one for your own use. " - Slashgear.com
E-rope Idea sketch 2 - E-rope is developed the combination ideas of rotation and modulation.
E-rope idea skech 3 - E-rope looks and works as a rope and the light strip shows if it powers on or off obviously.
Miju Kim
Industrial Design Seoul, South Korea