2nd Model. Testing the concept
Dimensional drawing by Bruno Horioka. to enforce the concept of sharing between two people, we decided to reduce the concave extrusions to just one centered on the dish.
The flat base that connects the two halves of the dish was laser cut to shape.
Proof of principal. CNC routed foam model.
3D Rendering by Bruno Horioka.
Ronnie Parrish from Town and Country Sales Furniture also donated valuable time to manufacturing the parts for us with his company's CNC router. Once the parts were gathered from the CNC router, we began the manual process of smoothing down all profiles. Check out: Town and Country Sales Furniture. http://tcsfurniture.com/
Although the parts were milled, laser cut, and then glued together, the smoothing down of profiles had to be done with belt sanders, files, and sanding blocks. Here, we were sanding the bowl section with a wooden egg.
Applying the food-safe MirrorCoat to seal the wood.
Our design was featured at the 2013 Texas Contemporary Art Fair in the Blaffer art & design section.
Photo by Tyler Rudick 2013. Featured on Houston Culture Map.
Photo by Tyler Rudick 2013. Featured on Houston Culture Map.
Uchi Houston - Caviar Tasting. Photo by Mai Pham, October 31, 2013.
Wood Sticks - Uchi dish design

Sponsored group project were were asked to re-imagine the relationship between serving vessel, food and the user.

The dish forms your utensil. Using an abstracted form of a utensil, Wood Sticks focuses on the oriental collectivist notion of sharing.

Designed by Miguel Ruiz and Bruno Horota Horioka, in collaboration with Uchi Houston and Blaffer Art Museum.

Featured in Houston’s Uchi restaurant to offer the caviar tasting.

Featured at the 2013 Texas Contemporary Art Fair.

Featured on Houston Culture Map.




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Miguel Ruiz
Graphic and Web Designer | WordPress Support Specialist Houston, TX