100 Hectares / Presidential packaging

Commemorating Camões and Portuguese Communities Day on June 10th posed a unique challenge. The focus was on creating a special case with key elements - the Portuguese flag, Lusíadas book and global Portuguese communities.The engraved bottle, featuring the flag and central shield, depicts lines reminiscent of the Douro and its terraces. Horizontal lines on the bottle signify significant dates-1143, Portugal's foundation, and the Treaty of Zamora celebration in 1880,marking the first reference to June 10th's festive nature.
Mirroring the bottle,23 lines symbolize the present year. June 10th, Camões' supposed death date, inspired the project. From Lusíadas book, Canto X, stanza 4, on the box describes nymphs' feast for the Portuguese, mentioning Falerno, Ambrosia, and Jove. Gold engraving adds depth. The oak wood box, inspired by a boat, cradles the 5-liter bottle, creating a refined ensemble. Only 3 kits were crafted for the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa & Prime Minister

Miguel Freitas
Graphic/packaging designer Oporto, Portugal