Animated Avatar

AdobeIllustrator is a vector based graphic application that allows artists to express themselves through mathematically-accurate lines and shapes. My experience with this program led to a design and animation of my avatar. I based my avatar on my persona and characteristics; having it change color as my mood does. Some of the tools I used where the selection, pen and shape tool. I also used numerous short cuts such as cmnd z, which helps erase my mistakes and cmnd f, which would place my work in the same order it was copied (cmnd c/ cmnd v) and pasted. These tricks helped me transcribe what was my imagination to the computer. The other application we used was AdobePhotoshop. Photoshop is a pixel based editing program, which we used to animate out creations. We used the timeline tool to place and move our avatars so they appeared alive. This software was a must in our success. Without this particular editing software, we wouldn't have been able to create something in our full potential.