My partner and I decided to focus on spreading awareness on suicide for our posters so we started by coming up with a couple of rough drafts for potential poster designs. After much deliberation we decided to use the two drawings boxed in red because they were very strong images and conveyed the seriousness of the matter.
Rough Draft MY partner and I found several images on Google that would fit into our poster and used Photoshop to combine them together. These drafts were used just to get an idea of layout and colors. We kept the posters predominately grey because we thought that they reflected the seriousness of the topic well. In this poster there is a person curled in a ball in a empty room. The only other object is the bottle of pills which is the main focus of the poster since it is also the only object that's not grey. We placed emphasis on the space and pills to show viewers how limited and trapped victims suffering from depression feel. We wanted our posters to impact viewers since such a dark topic is "taboo" and not talked about often.
2nd Draft In order to increase our audience, we changed the pill picture to one of just a noose since the last one could be too dark as the emotions it invoked would be too heavy for just a poster. Also the last two posters where too different in their design elements. This poster makes use of a "busy" background and one main focus while still keeping to the monotone color scheme. We also used Photoshop to make our posters look more cartoon-y to make it easier to handle and to also make our 2 poster's coherent. We attempted to make a close up image of the noose to replicate the close up feeling of the second poster but we could not find an image that met our needs. However we tried to employ a first person view in this poster just like in the other one.
My partner's poster (to use for comparison)
Final draft I made the overall poster have a blue tone to it so it could match with my partner's poster better and I reduced the amount of colors in it to help make it more simple
LMC 2720 - Poster

This is a poster design project for my LMC 2720 class. I have to collaborate with a partner to make 2 posters with similar design elements to campaign for a cause.

Michelle Ni
Computational Media Student Atlanta, GA