Freedom and hope - This set of graphic design is initially designed, under Charlie Lim International Photography, to furnish a boutique store targetted at the youths. It is designed according to the cilent's brief for a hip and trendy stylistic approach, playing around the idea of freedom and hope.
Fashion Catalogue - A catalogue designed for a fictional fashion brand.
Art and Music Education Conference Booklets
Singapore Chinese Calendar - A new way of representing Singapore's Chinese calendar which also used as divination of the future.
System of Memories (photo installation) - Mind is a form of storage system, having the ability to process, store and retrieve information. But, are we able to control what goes in or out of our minds? Do we repress bad memories subconsciously? How similar is your painful memories similar to ours?
System of Memories (booklet) - Mind is a form of storage system, having the ability to process, store and retrieve information. But, are we able to control what goes in or out of our minds? Do we repress bad memories subconsciously? How similar is your painful memories similar to ours?
Graphic Design