Solidworks - A selection of images from CAD work carried out over the past few months in Solidworks and AliasStudio. Check back soon for more!
Solidworks - A selection of images from CAD work carried out over the past few months in Solidworks and AliasStudio. Check back soon for more!
Alias Work - I'm currently working on my Alias skills, following some tutorials in a book. Next up: car wheels!
Alias Work - I'm currently working on my Alias skills, following some tutorials in a book. Next up: car wheels!
Alias Work - I'm currently working on my Alias skills, following some tutorials in a book. Next up: car wheels!
Alias Wheels - Just learnt how to do wheels, pretty enjoyable and not too hard! Could do with adding some finer details though...
Alias Wheels - Spoke design, raytraced rendering.
Alias Wheels - Rear view, normal rendering. I need to work on my Showcase skills too!
CAD Work
Michael Jones
Undergraduate - BDes Product Design Chester, United Kingdom