HYVE Outdoor Grocery Delivery Appliance

The design of HYVE was inspired by beehives, which are enclosed structures used by honey bees to live in and raise their young, as well as act as storage for honey which bees use to feed their larvae.
HYVE was designed to provide an easy way for a busy young family to receive groceries via a delivery system.
Groceries are delivered to HYVE by the users vendor of choice. The user receives a notification that there is
activity, and can then view a livestream from the HYVE’s onboard camera. The user can then unlock the HYVE. The delivery person then places the items inside. The contents are secured inside HYVE until it is unlocked by the HYVE app. Unlock/lock features can also be scheduled by the user. HYVE offers four distinct climate zones:
freezer, refrigerator, dry storage and wine chiller, which are controllable via the HYVE app.

Freelance, Moonlighting
Michael Duncan
Designer Warren, OH