Self Portrait made of Fruits

We took a picture of ourselves and place it in the document. Then i erased the background of myself in the picture. Then I took a fruit i wanted to be my background and dragged it into the document and placed it under the picture. Then i added my face and neck with a picture of nuts and i did my neck first by adding the picture and erased according to where my neck was and did the same with my face. and repeating a similar process with blueberries to create my jacket, as well as my shirt with chillies. And also with my hair with blueberries and nose with nuts by making my face invisible when doing that. For my facial features i repeated the same process of taking an image of a fruit erasing the background or other fruits around it moving it and transforming it to the size needed and duplicating it by holding Alt and click and dragging. Then i went to all my layers renamed them and putting them in folders.

Michael Calixte
Illustrator New York, NY