My Street

For my piece I decided to create the first three buildings on my block which were a GameStop, my house and half my neighbors house. When making this artwork I used three non destructive editing techniques. The first was the gradient fill layer on the background of my piece. This created the effect of time passing to me. The second nondestructive editing technique I used a lot and it was the layer styles especially the color overlay. I tried to stick with the starting textures as much as possible and I got far. I used the color overlay in almost everything like the doors, hedge, and the overhangs. The third was the layer mask which I used on the upstairs window to add myself. The piece represents my neighborhood by showing how there are about 2 thirds residential while its one third commercial. And my neighborhood has many people walking around near it because it is next to a heavy commercial area.

Michael Calixte
Illustrator New York, NY