Calendar Poster - Medium: Photoshop Class: Graphic Design 1 Objective: To make a one page, three month calendar. Solution: I chose to apply the cloud effect to my background first. Then added this image of the Golden Gate Bridge I found on Google. I chose to cut this image into three sections. I used a combination of effects available on Photoshop to the three individual images.
Born to Ride Poster - Medium: Photoshop Class: Graphic Design 1 Objective: To make a poster. Solution: I chose to take an image I found on Google into Photoshop and used the smug and burn tool on the mountains and the people. I also used the cloud effect with this font, then used the blur told to make the words look more like clouds in the sky.
Bamboola Poster - Medium: Illustrator Class: Typography Objective: To make a poster for Bamboola. Solution: I found an image on Google of two palm trees. Then placed it with key information about Bamboola. I used a combination of three different fonts and colors.
When Clouds Clear Poster - Medium: InDesign Class: Graphic Design 1 Objective: To make a poster for When Clouds Clear. Solution: I used a combination of squares and cropped pictures from the film and placed them in a visually pleasing way around the title of the film and the filmmakers. I also used the yellow margins to draw attention and to display important information.
Font Display Poster - Medium: Illustrator Class: Typography Objective: To make a font display poster. Solution: I chose a font named Requiem from 1001fonts. I took letters from this font and created four ligatures. Also I ran the numbers down the right side of the poster. I included some lines and color to make it look more attractive and visually pleasing to viewers.
Bat Boy Poster 1of2 - Medium: Illustrator Class: Graphic Design 2 Objective: To make a poster for Bat Boy. Solution: I started with a design I made out of rounded squares. Then placed the title of the play with key information about when and where its taking place. Also I used some awards the play has won to draw attention to the poster. I added the green bat figure to draw immediate attention to the plays title.
Bat Boy Poster 2of2 - Medium: Illustrator Class: Graphic Design 2 Objective: To make a poster for Bat Boy. Solution: I built this design by laying down a few squares. Then added all the information about the play. I also added some quotes and awards from the play.
Michael Daciuk
Daciuk Design San Mateo , CA