Bearden Cityscape

Romare Bearden was the artist we viewed as an inspiration for this project. In this project I use the layer mask, adjustment layers and gradient fill layer. I used the layer mask for this project as one non destructive techniques. I used a layer mask to put a person in a window; the layer mask works by clicking on the ion with a black circle in a white square. Another non destructive, I used was adjustment layer. I used the adjustment layer to add color and tone into my image. I live in Kew Gardens, Queens. My piece of artwork reflects my neighborhood because it quiet and peaceful. My favorite part of this assignment was creating my neighborhood in Queens. I did meet all the requirements for this project because I used the elements and principles of design; I organized all layers, and used all the tools I learned in class, such as, adjustment layers and the gradient fill layer. These layer tools are called non destructive layers.