User Testing_Planning and Strategy
User Testing_Planning_Concept To Create
User Testing_Planning_Prerequisite
User Testing_Planning_How Does Product Reflect Key User Needs
User Testing_Planning_Is Our Concept A Solution
User Testing_Is Our Concept A Solution_Outputs
User Testing_Planning_Is Our Concept A Solution_Critical User Flows
User Testing_Planning_Modes of Testing
Usability Lab Setup_Requirements
Usability Lab Setup_The Rooms
Usability Lab Setup_Connect and Configure
Usability Lab Setup_YouTube_Post Session_Troubleshoot
User Testing_Participant Profile & Specs
Usability Testing_Participant List_Schedule
Usability Testing_Participant List_Schedule_Card View
User Testing Protocol Script_Research Question and Objective
User Testing Protocol Script_Introduction
User Testing Protocol Script_Note and Disclaimer on Prototype
User Testing Protocol Script_Instructions and Task 1
User Testing Protocol Script_Question List and Task 3_4
User Testing Protocol Script_SAM Scale Questionnaire
User Testing Protocol Script_Interview
User Testing Protocol Script_End of Test
User Testing_Planning and Checklist
User Testing_Planning and Checklist_Card View
User Testing_Welcome Participants
User Testing_Welcome Jack_Making Participants Comfortable Welcome and At Ease
User Testing_Nondisclosure Agreement Form_Betweek Participant and Company
Testing Script_Teachers
Testing Script_Teachers_Background Info and Warm Up Questions
Testing Script_Teachers_Intro to Think Aloud Content Sorting Exercise
Testing Script_Teachers_Differentiated Skills Questions
Testing Script_Teachers_Planning Questions
Testing Script_Teachers_Wrap Up Questions
User Testing_Plan and Strategy Sample
User Testing_Plan and Strategy_Frame Phase Sample
User Testing_Plan and Strategy_Create Phase Sample
User Research & Usability Testing Planning and Checklist

Executing user research and usability studies take planning, checklists, set up, organizing, coordinating and analyzing, and iterating.

Mary Grace Francisco
Lead Design Architect, PMP, CSM Austin, TX