Various presentations to stakeholders and teams for approval, thin slice development, content development, strategic development, and design direction.
Strategy_Proposed Activities For Each Phase
Strategy_Teach At a Glance
Strategy_Build Reading Program Based on User Needs
Design Sprint_PrintDigital Alignment_Summary Of Options_Recommendations
Design Sprint_TE Options_Overview
Design Sprint_TE_Option1_Curvilinear
Design Sprint_TE_Option2_BeBop Dot
Design Sprint_TE_Option3_Contained Wave
Design Sprint_TE_3 Options_Foundational Skills
Design Sprint_TE_3Options_Read For Understanding
After months of building prototype (content and design), it was time to present to stakeholders the Thin Slice development. This was created in Axure as a clickable one-stop way to go thru all the prototypes.
Presentations & Slideshares
Various presentations to stakeholders and teams for approval, thin slice development, content development, strategic development, and design direction.