Portable Display System (A) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (A) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (A) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (B) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (B) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (C) - These portable display systems were designed to display Natural body care products. The modular had to be easy to dismantle, transport and re build at various locations in the city. Another requirement was for it to look like a cart and have storage space.
Portable Display System (C)
Portable Display System (C)
Portable Display System (D)
Portable Display System (D)
Portable Display System
Mervyn De Nazareth
Product Designer Bangalore, India