Winter Elegance - dark wood backdrop with built-in display shelving. Dark wood panel has painted branches with slightly lighter hue
WInter Elegance - dark wood backdrop with built-in display shelving. Dark wood panel has painted branches with slightly lighter hue
Powder Room - Snowboard & Ski store for Ladies
Powder Room - Snowboard & Ski store for Ladies
Powder Room - Snowboard & Ski store for Ladies
Powder Room - interior display wall
Sustainable retail display made of cardboard tubes - Sustainable retail display made of cardboard tubes. Vertical cardboard tubes painted white with orange interior also used as a backdrop for the smaller display. Vertical tall cardboard tubes also have lighting inserted inside the tube
Vertical Greenery - The use of large scale elements and textures such as the vertically mounted greenery above, set an eye-catching stage that acts as a backdrop, placing emphasis on your product.
" A Pair Of Shoes Can Change Your Life.....Just Ask Cinderella!"
snowflake shaped product displays. - Integrating product displays through dimension and theme as with these snow- flakes, frames and isolates your products for clear presentation. The displays have hidden LED Strip Lights
Vertical Display - Utilizing the verticality of your window alongside large scale graphics and simple design elements creates a broad statement that puts your product into full focus. vertical displays are of durable laminate construction with carved snowflake patterns and graphic image in the middle.
Freestanding merchadise display with attached spotlights
Backdrop is made of paper snowflakes. Branches are spray painted white and from them hangs a collage of products inside plexi balls mixed with Christmas ornaments
display wall with clear plexi glass shelving
Visual Merchandising & Retail Design
Heidi Mendoza
Interior Architect Castle Rock, CO