Replacement Parts - Replacement heads, mouths, eyes and hair from my degree project. Each part is made of bakeable clay and brass tubing.
Giant Rubber Chicken mold with finished puppet - From my Degree Project. The mold is plaster and the chicken has a wire armature and was cast in rubber. I mixed a liquid latex paint base with acrylic paint to paint the puppet.
Finished Fred Puppet - Fred is a puppet from my degree project. He has a wire armature and his body is build up with nails, paper clay, cotton and gauze. His hands were made of thin wire wrapped in embroidery floss and covered with liquid latex. The hands and body were painted with acrylic paints mixed with liquid latex. His heads were made of bakeable clay.
Finished Robot Puppet - This is from the Metropolis project. It was made with bakeable clay and spray painted.
The Finished Samurai Puppet - This puppet was used in the stop Motion 2 "A Taste of Love" project. The specific parts of this puppet that I worked on were the design, the armature, the hands, the mold making and latex foam casting.
The Finished Maiden Puppet - The specific parts of this puppet that I worked on were the design, the armature, the hands, sewing the pink costume, the mold making and latex foam casting.
The Three Suitors in Progress - The three suitors were made for the Stop Motion 2 project, "A Taste of Love". I designed these puppets and made the fat one closest to the camera, while other members of my group worked on the other two.
Building The Armatures - An Image of me holding the nearly complete armature of the Maiden puppet. The Samurai puppet's armature can be seen lying on his back on top of the gray box.
Mixing the foam latex - Here, I am mixing the foam latex for the maiden puppet and you can see the plaster mold that I made on the table.
Building up the freshly cast Maiden's facial features with some liquid latex
Getting The Samurai's tie-downs and shoes on
Puppet Design - My initial design of the Maria puppet from stop motion 2's Metropolis project.
Clay Sculpt of the Maria Puppet
Top of the cast Maria Puppet
Robot Puppet in Progress - Robot puppet from the Stop Motion 2 Metropolis project.
Me painting eyes on the head puppet - This is another puppet from the Metropolis project.
Puppet Making

Some photos of me in various stages of puppet making. Some are from the Stop Motion 2 projects "A Taste of Love" and "Metropolis", some are from my degree projects and other projects.

Mary McOmber
Rapid Prototype Quality Assurance Hillsboro, OR