Tree Lace - Where are the boundaries between disciplines? Are there boundaries? Does it matter? I have used this shape, inspired by tree branches in winter, as a graphic element on paper, an art installation, and a necklace. In viewing the shape in a flat format it gives no clue to it's alternate function as an adornment. I am interested in crossing over the boundaries of different types of design; using unexpected materials and techniques to create shapes and forms that are sucessful in many different states.
How do you wear a drawing? - How do you wear a drawing? In making these pieces I wanted to capture the gesture of a drawing in a three dimesional space. The shapes of the different chains convey different qualities of energy and emotion. I “draw” with the chains on a flat plane, creating forms and balancing the image. The Topography Necklace is a drawing on the body that undulates with our curves and movement, maps out the valleys and hills, and reacts to forces of gravity. It appears to be a tattoo at first glance when it is worn, giving the illusion of being one with the body. Likewise, when the piece is viewed off the body it seems closer to a drawing than to something one would wear. The mountain earrings start as a drawing of a mountain that is taken into the third dimension when you pick it up. In a way it is the reverse of drawing. If drawing is the two-dimensional representation of an object then these become the three-dimensional representation of a drawing. The shapes that are formed are the result of a combination of forces: the physical properties of each chain- its shape and weight- as well as the shape of the body on which it is worn.
Expanding Jewelry - I'm interested in the tranformation that takes place when an object is picked up. What is an object when it is not performing its function? By creating pieces that emphasize this change I want to make people aware of the difference between these two states. This group of jewelry transforms from flat solid sheet into three dimesional open shapes when it is picked up.
Topography Box - Wool felt box. Pieces are die cut so the top pressure fits into the bottom. The soft material holds the necklace in place so that it does not get tangled or damaged.