Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Elevation view of the original tool shed design.
Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Photoshopped image of the original elevation view. This image inspired my organic form of final tool shed design.
Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Plan view and construction detail of my tool shed.
Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Two section views of my tool shed, showing possible usage.
Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Display of my work in the school lobby.
Design a Tool Shed | Fall 2011 Full scale section mock-up model made of stainless steel sheet, stainless steel tubing, and clear acrylic.

We were to design a tool shed with a 4’x4’ footprint. I chose steel ribs and skin as my construction method to recreate its malleable nature, suggested by the Photoshopped image of my original design. Also, strips of clear acrylic is used to allow light into the space.

Our final products included a full-scale section mock-up model and construction document. Through this project I learned to design more consciously about its materiality and construction method which allows for unlimited design possibilities.