RE-COVER LIds - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars and bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
drink lids - The drink line includes three lids that transform any jar into a comfortable drinking glass. Includes a drink lid with tea infuser and handle, drink lid with handle, and drink lid with no handle.
drink with handle - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
drink with tea infuser and handle - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
drink with no handle - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
grow lids - The grow line enables users to grow their own fresh kitchen herbs at home, supporting a more self-sustainable home. Includes a planter lid, watering can lid, and herb saver lid.
grow planter - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
grow herb saver - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
grow watering can - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
juice lids - The juice line encourages people to squeeze and store their own fresh juices at home, eliminating the packaging and cost of store-bought juices. Included are a reamer/juicer lid, drink lid, and store lid.
juice juicer - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
juice drink lid - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.
juice store cap - The focus of RE-COVER Lids was to find new uses for old or used products in order to save energy and resources. Wash out your old glass jars are bring them back to life with three different lines... grow, juice, and drink.