Product marketing lead capture form. Fully integrated into inbound marketing channels. Incentivized form completion via low-friction fields and free content offerings. Leveraging a state of the art progressive profiling and lead scoring back end.
Product marketing lead capture form. Fully integrated into inbound marketing channels. Incentivized form completion via low-friction fields and free content offerings. Leveraging a state of the art progressive profiling and lead scoring back end.
Product marketing lead capture form. Fully integrated into inbound marketing channels. Incentivized form completion via low-friction fields and free content offerings. Leveraging a state of the art progressive profiling and lead scoring back end.
An example of inbound marketing channels leading to our lead capture form: the Animation Mentor monthly newsletter. "Get more information" button in the right channel leads to our product lead capture form.
New Animation Mentor home page with tested placement of all elements, marketing carousel, updated value proposition. Lead capture form increased MQLs by 4000%.
Lead Capture for Product Marketing at Animation Mentor.

Lead capture forms my team at Animation Mentor implemented. Leads went up over 300% due to the initial implementation of lead capture for each product we offer. With the implementation of these low-friction forms, we also deployed progressive profiling and lead scoring technologies to improve the quality of leads that marketing hands off to sales.

Micha Hershman
Sr Director of Demand Generation and Inbound Marketing San Francisco, CA